Exploring data for nonprofits.

Luminate Online Marketing is an automation platform for nonprofits. It gives nonprofits the ability to accept online donations and helps support their cause by building advocacy through its integrated web hosting, social media, and content publishing features. Every year, the folks at Luminate mine and anonymize the platform's usage data—things like engagement, donations, advocacy, and the like.

  • Data Visualization
  • Data Journalism
  • Frontend Development
  • Marketing Integration
  • Print Design

The Approach

XD Lab works this immense data trove into brand marketing content and lead generation assets. The cornerstone asset being the annual report which has grown to become a bellwether for the nonprofit industry as a whole. It is featured at events, quoted in industry analysis reports, and circulated to nonprofit organizations worldwide.

We explore design concepts of light and shape, and represent Luminate Online as a beacon to those who work daily to improve the lives of others. Year over year, we refine and push the design of the report and supporting assets (landing pages, benchmarking tools, email campaigns, and paid media campaigns) forward. Always at the cutting edge of branding and design.

The Build

3D renderings that explore the design concepts are leveraged throughout the report and marketing materials. Additionally, an emphasis on data visualization and interaction design makes the data malleable for users to explore and compare their own individualized performance to similar nonprofit verticals and causes. Good marketing is more than selling—The best marketing is a celebration.

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Telehealth Platform

See what it takes to launch a telehealth brand and product from the ground up.

Read the case study